6.3 Water usage and care
6.3.1 Wastewater treatment
A process in place to treat wastewater.
UniMAP has appointed a competent external company for the
maintenance work of the Sewage Treatment Plant on a contract basis for a period
24 months, Page 4, 5 & 6 pdf Evidence 1. This is to make sewage
treatment implemented in accordance with the requirements of the AKTA KUALITI
ALAM SEKELILING 1974: Peraturan-peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Kumbahan)
2009. The implementation of maintenance is carried out periodically according
to the maintenance schedule set on a weekly, monthly and annual basis.
Monitoring of the entire operating system of the Sewage Treatment Plant is done
through the Sewage Treatment System Performance Monitoring Parameter Record
every month. 1. Acceptance letter (SST) for sewerage treatment plant
maintenance contract (Page 4, 5 & 6 pdf Evidence 1) 2. Plan
Preventive Maintenance (PPM) schedule (Page 10 pdf Evidence 1) 3. Sewage
Treatment System Performance Monitoring Parameter Records (Page 11 pdf
Evidence 1) 4. Effluent Monthly Lab Test Result (Page 12 to 35 pdf
Evidence 1) 5. AKTA KUALITI ALAM SEKELILING 1974 (Page 36 to 58 pdf
Evidence 1) 6. Picture report for activity in (Picture Evidence 2)
UniMAP's Development Department has implemented the
wastewater treatment process with the guide of 'Akta Kualiti Alam sekitar,
1974, to protect the quality of water source.
6.3.2 Preventing water system pollution
Preventing water system pollution Processes to prevent
polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by
accidents and incidents at the university.
Evidence 1 is
POLLUTION IN PERLIS being done on 11 JULY 2023, KANGAR by Department of
Environment Perlis to monitor the quality of river water through the 'river
tracing' method to identify the level of water quality and the sources of
pollution found along the rivers in Perlis State, especially in areas who often
receive water pollution complaints. Evidence 2 is Water Sewerage and
Fact Book 2023 for our main campus water supply in Perlis. To prevent the water
system in campus pollution, UniMAP's Development Department have installed a
control panel in the primary and secondary screening process to monitor water
quality, as shown in Page 2 and 3 pdf Evidence 3. Testing of water
quality is shown in Page 5 pdf Evidence 3.
To prevent the water system in campus pollution, UniMAP's
Development Department have installed a control panel in the primary and
secondary screening process to monitor water quality, as shown in Page 4 and 5.
Testing of water quality is shown in page 12, 13 and 20
6.3.3 Free drinking water provided Provide free drinking
water for students, staff and visitors (e.g. drinking water fountains).
UniMAP rented water filter system to provide free water to
all staff and students. This is to ensure all staff and student are provided
with safe and purified water for drinking purpose. It is convenient for all
staff and students to assess good quality of clean and safe purified drinking
water at any time. Furthermore, staff and students will save the time to
prepare hot/cold drinks during meetings, viva voce session without the need of
having to go out to the store to buy hot/cold drinks. UniMAP provides almost 19
locations with free drinking water for students, staff, and visitors at various
locations on all campuses.
6.3.4 Water-conscious building standards
Apply building standards to minimize water use
Page 249 - 253 pdf Rainwater Goods, Rainwater
Harvesting System & Testing and Commissioning Evidence 1. The
government proposed that rainwater harvesting will be made compulsory to new
large buildings under approval by the National Council for Local Government.
Rainwater harvesting is a method used for collecting and storing rain water
from rooftops and used back for non potable used such as general washing,
landscape irrigation and toilet flushing only. UniMAP would be getting numerous
benefits as the system would help reduce water supply demand from water
concessionaires, provide an alternative supply in times of supply disruption as
well as reducing the possibility of flash floods. Rainwater Harvesting Tank
Picture in UniMAP Campus Page 1 & 2 pdf Evidence 2. Akta Jalan,
Parit Dan Bangunan 1974 - Undang-Undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam (Negeri Perlis)
(Pindaan) 2012 is a local authority law for water conscious building standards
Page 3, 4 & 5 pdf Evidence 2.
E1: The implementation of maintenance is carried out
periodically according to the maintenance schedule set on a weekly (Page 4 ,
Evidence 1) , monthly and annual basis. Monitoring of the entire operating
system of the Sewage Treatment Plant is done through the Sewage treatment
system performance monitoring parameter record every month." , (Page 5,
Evidence 1). Water quality checking results for year 2020 : Page 6 to 26 . To
prevent contaminated water supply, the university ensures that the water supplied
to campus is obtained from tested water managed by the local authority (JKR).\
Evidence 1: Water quality checking results for year 2020 : Page 6 to 26 .
Process of checking quality of water system is based on the standard of the
AKTA KUALITI ALAM SEKELILING 1974: Peraturan- peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling
(Kumbahan) 2009. , page 32-54, evidence 1.
UniMAP is making great strides in sustainable landscaping
by incorporating drought-tolerant plants. Using species like Hamelia
patens(Fire bush), Pachystachys lutea (Golden shrimp), Lantana
camara (Bunga Tahi Ayam), Leucophyllum frutescens (Texas sage) and Heptapleurum
(Schefflera) is an excellent choice for conserving water while still
maintaining aesthetic appeal. Watering in the early morning is indeed a
best practice for gardeners. This timing minimizes evaporation losses due
to cooler temperatures and lower wind speeds, allowing plants to absorb more
water effectively. Additionally, watering in the morning helps prevent
fungal diseases that can occur when plants remain wet overnight. UniMAP also
implementing mulch around the plants to retain soil moisture, using drip
irrigation systems for targeted watering, and incorporating native
plants that are well-adapted to the local climate to further enhance the
sustainability of these landscape projects. These practices can help ensure
that the landscape remains vibrant and healthy while minimizing water usage.
UniMAP main campus is covered by trees, palms, shrubs, and
grasses. Most of the plants species are drought-tolerant plants and have grown
mature enough to sustain the low needs of watering. The main watering source
can come from rainwater as well as the retention pond, instead of tap water.
The watering work must be held early in the morning as the risk of evaporation
is lower and plants have a higher chance of absorbing all the water use to
water them.
6.4 Water usage and care
6.4.2 Water reuse measurement Measure the reuse of
water across the university?
UniMAP hiring three contractors for landscape maintenance
work in Kampus ALAM Pauh. Watering works are held twice daily for common newly
planted species. Approximately 1 tank of 2271L water is needed for each of
contractor per zone. Therefore, the total of water usage for watering is
4,087,800 L or 4,087.8 meter cube per year. Refer Calculation and Evidence
in PDF For INSAT which is located in our second Main Campus near Sungai
Chuchuh approximately 3,160 meter cube is being used for the year 2023. Refer
Evidence 2.
reuse: lake water: flush picture of trees
6.5.4 Sustainable water extraction on campus Where water is extracted (for example from aquifers, lakes or rivers) utilize sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds on and off campus.
UniMAP using rainwater and a retention pond as the main
watering sources is a great approach for sustainable landscape maintenance.
This method not only conserves tap water but also utilizes natural resources
effectively. Watering early in the morning is indeed beneficial, as it
minimizes evaporation and allows plants to absorb moisture more
UniMAP water expert has analysis the technology of
extracted water form lakes at Timah Tasoh, Perlis. This is the main water
supply to UniMAP campus for students and staff.
UniMAP also reuse the lakes water for watering on campus
through the water pump system
7.2.1 Energy-efficient renovation and building Have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations or new builds are following energy efficiency standards
UniMAP’s building is equipped with accessible facilities
for people with disabilities. Existence of facilities in UniMAP is at rental
building and permanent building in UniMAP’s campuses. Some examples of all of
the facilities are lifts (24 unit), parking lots (41 unit), toilets (34 unit)
and wheelchair ramps (63 unit). Total of all of this facility is about 162
unit. All of this facility is for people with disabilities to use when visiting
or live in our campuses.
Page 204 -205: Upgrade the OKU facilities on campus
11.4.6 Pedestrian priority on campus Prioritize pedestrian
access on campus
Construction works on a disabled-friendly covered road connecting Tuanku Tengku Fauziah residential college (KKTTF) to the Lecture Hall Complex, Unimap Alam Campus, Pauh Putra, Perlis (97 metre long). Completed in year 2023.
Pedestrian for Community UniMAP to link each building in
11.4.8 Planning development - new build standards Build
new buildings to sustainable standards
UniMAP’s planning development for new buildings must refer
to Cawangan Arkitek Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR). All the planning and building
will go through JKR for future and current development. For the development of
new building in UniMAP main campus, the overall design shall incorporate
passive design strategies in MS 1525, Handbook On Passive Design Strategies For
Energy Efficient Building made by Cawangan Arkitek JKR, JKR STANDARD JKR/SIRIM
3:2020 ICS: 91.020; 13.020 Environmental protection and enhancement works for
projects and MyCrest which includes but not limited to the following: i.
Building configuration, site planning and orientation ii. Effective room depth,
internal layout and colour shades iii. Effective floor to ceiling height iv.
Fenestration design v. Building materials vi. Roof design and colour vii.
Landscaping and shading viii. Day lighting optimization ix. Façade design x.
Natural ventilation
All renovation and building on campus have to follow the
check list as shown in Page 172 and 173 to ensure all building fulfill the
sustainability standard as shown in Evidence 2.
11.4.9 Building on brownfield sites Build on brownfield
sites, where possible
For year 2023, no building is built on brownfield site
15.4 Land sensitive waste disposal 15.4.1 Water discharge
guidelines and standards Have water quality standards and guidelines for water
discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife,
and human health and welfare)
For the UniMAP main campus, quality standards for water
discharge are monitored and implemented using the guidelines contained in the
(KUMBAHAN) 2009 (Page 28 to 50 pdf Evidence 1). The water disposal will
go through a treatment process first at the Sewage Treatment Plant before being
released into the surrounding waters. This is to ensure that ecosystems,
wildlife, human health and environmental well -being are always protected. 1.
Plan Preventive Maintenance (PPM) schedule (Page 1 & 2 pdf Evidence 1)
2. Sewage Treatment System Performance Monitoring Parameter Records (Page 3
to 27 pdf Evidence 1)
Procedure and guideline of disposal hazardous materials
UniMAP's Development Department has implemented the
wastewater treatment process with the guide of 'Akta Kualiti Alam sekitar,
1974, to protect the quality of water source.
The process of the treatment is shown in evidence 2.